Saturday, 17 August 2024


 Once again I’ve cycled back to TSU after doing a reading about how best to proceed with doing readings, whether general or Twin Flame focused. Whilst Union is indeed still my focus, more so it’s the inner union with Self that matters most, for the relationship we have with our Selves precedes and impacts all others.

The “dominant intention” as advised by Abraham-Hicks is to feel good - the soul aligned, inspiration, feeling the oneness and the flow kind of good.

I have gone through many years of intense karmic cycles, truths, healing and growth to come back more open and more accepting of the messiness of being human and not trying to deal with the TF stuff like I am some sort of perfectly perfect guru with no ego (which is insanely impossible anyway). There are too many abusers using spiritual stuff to ensnare victims promising happiness and using it to control, get money and harm others.

My journey has been one of much trauma and many of you I am sure have also endured your own karmic situations that have left you feeling unworthy, unlovable and unable to have healthy relationships. The thought of a TF can be both overwhelming and enticing, and I assure you whilst it is not MEANT to be something that makes you suffer, when we do not understand, or our ego is triggered, it can be an intensely painful experience. Unlike karmics though the Twin Flame never sets out to intentionally harm us and is often trying to protect us and them from being harmed by unhealed wounds that may lash out and cause destruction. We cycle from magnetised love attraction, karmic mirror triggers to being repelled to heal alone or in other ways before we come back and repeat until we are healed ENOUGH to heal together and grow and expand within Union.

However long you have been on this journey, whether hours, weeks, months or even decades, please, don’t give up on love, SURRENDER to it and let it take you where you need to go and be who you need to be. 

Welcome to TSU and I hope I maybe of service to you on your path,



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